Jan 3, 2022
Is your Custom Software Application Being Properly Supported?
Brian Anderson
Your application’s performance directly impacts your business’s performance, which is why proper application support is so important. So, is your custom software application being properly supported? Let us pose a few questions:
- Do you know what your tech stack looks like?
- Do you have an updated IT architecture diagram?
- Do you have a ticket system implemented to manage applications?
- Do you understand the critical pathways of data across business segments?
- Do you understand the interdependencies between your API ecosystem?
- If you’ve contracted out your app development, what is the after-deployment warranty period?
Most businesses today are powered by an entire ecosystem of applications. Some of them are third party software as a system (SaaS) platforms, some are custom built, and many are a combination of both. Having a comprehensive understanding of how these applications operate and are connected will save you time and money.
Don’t let your hard work developing a custom software application go to waste.
It’s hard to tell if your app is being supported properly, when you may not understand the system fully yourself. We don’t blame you at all! Apps can be highly technical and challenging to grasp.
But we’re here to help. Call Augusto for fast, convenient, and seamless application support. Our expert team is willing and ready to ensure your application is properly supported.
Let’s work together.
Partner with Augusto to streamline your digital operations, improve scalability, and enhance user experience. Whether you're facing infrastructure challenges or looking to elevate your digital strategy, our team is ready to help.