Oct 11, 2021
What is Application Support?
Jim Becher
Congrats, you built an app!
It’s out in the world, and users are loving it. Until… someone calls with a problem; you discover a bug; need a patch; a new API update drops; or the threat of a security breach occurs.
Now what?
You’ll need a custom software application support team. Custom software application support teams monitor, correct, and improve your apps.
About 90% of their time is spent calmly checking messages, monitoring the system, and working through process improvements. However, the remaining 10% of the job involves quickly diagnosing problems and restoring systems.
Four services Augusto’s custom software application support offers
Whether Augusto built your custom application or not, we’re here for you. Our customizable support service allows us to meet and address your specific application needs.
Application Monitoring:
We keep an eye on your application, so you don’t have to. Our monitoring tools will alert our helpdesk on key items like your domain, SSL, and application uptime.
Submit tickets and report bugs, then our team will follow up with questions and troubleshooting to help prioritize the issues. Helpdesk is the primary way to communicate with our support team, as it allows a single point of contact for you to get assistance. We’ll provide the status, priority, and all other information around your issue.
Corrective Maintenance:
Corrective maintenance, commonly referred to as addressing “bugs” or issues, is the most typical change associated with support. These bug fixes often come in the form of small, rapid updates.
Adaptive Maintenance:
The technology environment is constantly changing—with new security threats, version updates, and software dependencies. It’s critical that you update your custom app regularly. Adaptive updates focus on the infrastructure of your app, providing the foundation to keep the system up-to-date and running smoothly.
Don’t let your hard work developing a custom software application go to waste.
Apps are not something you can set on a shelf and forget. Call Augusto for fast, convenient, and seamless application support.
Our expert team is willing and ready to ensure your application is properly supported. Give us a call today.
Let’s work together.
Partner with Augusto to streamline your digital operations, improve scalability, and enhance user experience. Whether you're facing infrastructure challenges or looking to elevate your digital strategy, our team is ready to help.